"I wanted to say thank you for exposing my son, Davis, to the world of cubing through District 196 community education.
He had a mild interest in cubing until he took your first class, then bought books and starting learning more after your session. He was beaming after class, saying you taught him different ways to think and being around others interested in cubing felt good.
The most recent class at Northview Elementary was a favorite for him. He got into my car afterward and said, "Mom, I didn't want it to end. Is there a class I can take tomorrow or next week? That was the most fun I have had in my life." He said he learns, he enjoys being around other kids with similar interests and it's his favorite activity. This kid indoor rock climbs, is a fly fisherman, plays basketball, baseball, piano and is on a swim team. But your cubing classes bring him the most joy, are challenging and he feels successful.
Middle school is challenging and being 11-13 years old is tough. I have read books on finding "small wins" for your kids during this age to help them build confidence and transition into teen years. Your suggestion of the Cubetcha competition was SO appreciated! He didn't go to win, he went to learn and be around others. You have instilled a sense of teamwork and pride in these kids and I want to you know how valuable that is. Davis has a cool skill that not everyone has, and he enjoys showing people what he can do.
We're headed to the SPAM competition in Austin, MN this weekend, not to win, but for Davis to shine, feel confident and grow. I cannot think of anything better for a kid his age to be doing! Thank you for the time you take to teach, the ways you make cubing accessible and interesting for multiple audiences. You are changing and shaping lives, and Davis is a better human having been exposed to your skills and enthusiasm for cubing."
Caleb's Story
"Since Caleb has started cubing a few weeks ago, we have noticed that he is becoming more confident in himself. He is excited to come home and share his progress with us. He would talk about how other students would ask him to show them how to do it and would tell him how cool he was. He was focusing on something that wasn't a screen and would stimulate his mind. For Caleb, this was a big deal. Caleb was diagnosed with ADHD and Anxiety this past summer. He struggled to focus on tasks and never felt like he belonged to anything. He tried sports and orchestra, but nothing would stick for him. He struggled with social etiquette and struggled connecting with others. Cubing has helped him find a way to connect with other people. It has made him excited for the future and being a part of something bigger in life. When I asked Caleb how he felt since starting, he said "it makes me feel good when people tell me how cool it is and how they could never do that. When they ask me to show them, and they think I'm cool." When I asked what his favorite part was, he said 'finishing it! I like the way I feel when its complete, I like that I'm getting faster.'"
~Thank you for giving Caleb something he can be proud of!